This is a clickable client side image map. It contains a screenshot of my Directory Opus Workbench. You can click on an area of the screenshot to obtain more information on it.
There is a 256 colour version of the screenshot for less equipped Amiga configurations and a 16 million colours screenshot for high-end systems.
To go on, select the version you prefer. Note: Your browser has to support client side image maps of course. All recent Amiga browsers should support them.
16 million colours | 256 colours |
Yeah, the small images nearly look the same. But on the big ones you see a difference when using 16 million colours.
HeliOpusBench is copyright 1998 by me, Martin Steigerwald, but freely distributable non-commercially. It's Freeware.
GP Software may distribute it on their great DOpus PLUS CD-ROM.
Martin Steigerwald